Vessel Chiropractic takes you on a journey to understand a lens of chiropractic by promoting the innate intelligence which lives within each one of us. This intelligence allows you to be a self-healing and self-regulating organism by activating the parasympathetic system.
Our central nervous system being the brain and spinal cord is the first to develop within the womb. Healing and growth requires a space of ease and safety. This requires our system to be in a resting stage. This is referred to as the parasympathetic system. Compared to our sympathetic system which is known as fight or flight. This is stimulated when we are in a constant go motion, taking our attention away and placing us in a state of stress. It emphasizes how unconscious we become to our breathing, which is the most powerful healing facilitator. Our heart rate increases, our eyes dilate, our digestion becomes inhibited, all to allow our body to search for a place of safety. But, how can we find safety if we are in a world full of distractions.Chiropractic enables you to find that harmonic balance of life. It takes into account what you experience in the mind, body, and spirit. All three have an effect on your well being. Chiropractic is holistic due to it being focused wholly on the body in the approach of cause and effect. Using your symptoms (the effect) to guide us to the cause (within the nervous system).
The nervous system is the communicator to our surroundings. Interference within the spinal column is a cause of disturbance within our health. Examination of the biomechanics of the spine provides a passageway of communication clear from brain to body. Next topic we will discuss further into tonal adjustments!
Our body is capable of healing and finding homeostasis on it’s own due to an inborn intelligence within us all. It is called innate intelligence. It is the universal intelligence inborn being expressed in physical form, us. Its mission is to maintain the material of the body in an organized manner. It is always performing at 100%. Innate adapts to the forces that we encounter daily. Forces being an interactive interface. This means a point where two systems (external energy with our internal energy) are meeting and interacting. The physical aspect of force is energy. The physical substances of force are gravity, electromagnetism, nuclear forces, chemical and mechanical energy. All influencing how we carry ourselves differently daily (we must be changing to be evolving!). Our innate intelligence never creates these forces but adapts to them, interacting, blending and harmonizing between the energy within us already. This is how chiropractic adjusts tonally. Tonal chiropractic work includes tuning in for areas under stress to bring ease. This is taking your body from a sympathetic state to a more parasympathetic state, like discussed in the first blog.Connection with the intention of the chiropractor’s touch assists and guides your nervous system to release tension. Or, to bring more attention to areas that are not as stimulated. This happens due to the frequency of the action potential that has been created between the chiropractor's intention and focus with their touch (further discussed in future blog!). This eliminates the belief that chiropractic is only for the correction of the misalignment of bones. Tonal adjustments are also used on the visceral (organs and gut) and cranium. These adjustments allow further easeful tensegrity of the body.Tensegrity is the combination of tension and integrity. Integrity creates a foundation of strength, stability, and durability. Within our human frame of the body, tension is found within our fascia, tendons, and ligaments. While compressive forces influence our bones. Meet up with us next time to dive deeper into the understanding of the tensegrity of the body being springy, interconnected, and most importantly resilient!
Your chiropractor’s intention is the purest form of the healing ability that is being offered. What is an intention? Intention is an aim, an intended purpose, a goal, etc. The intention can be altered by one’s beliefs. So to begin, we must state please always choose a chiropractor that fully believes the body can heal itself due to its innate intelligence. Limited beliefs limit healing. Scientifically speaking, an intention creates a synapse within the brain. A new connection calling upon neural circuits to influence our neuroplasticity. This overall emits a frequency due to the electrical conductivity of the action potential created by thought. The frequency is in tune with the quantum field. A network between mind and the universe. Then, when an emotion is paired with the intention it becomes charged. This is due to the electromagnetic energy field that the heart produces. The heart produces a 60x more powerful electromagnetic field than the brain (love heals all!). When an intention is made, the mind and heart harmonize with the energetic activity of the body to result in a spiritual, energetic, and material level.
Written By: Jiana Lanza D.C